Matt paid the bill. Their social understanding is that Matt asks and gets the check prior to dessert. When Billy is done, he is out of there. This weekend lunch at Unos Billy chose some of his top gourmet selections; Dr. Pepper, steak, french fries smothered in A1 sauce, and to top off this incredibly healthy meal, a big chocolate brownie oozing fudge and vanilla ice cream. Matt and Billy are quite full and satiated. By all critical reviews, the lunch had been a culinary success.
As they exited this quasi Italian establishment, however, there was one final, suspenseful and totally off-the-wall twist. As Matt turns around to check how many paces Billy is behind him, he quickly discovers that Billy is not following his lead.
Billy has paused directly adjacent to the table of this lovely mother and young adult daughter who are enjoying their newly arrived heaping warm plates of pasta. In a nano instance (if there such a word) “Ray-Ban” Billy decides that a shaking of the head is in order. Now this is no conventional headshake designed to communicate no, disapproval, or disbelief. Billy’s headshakes are more in the realm of a magical Harry Potter moment. Billy’s headshakes are legendary. The speed at which he whips his head has the visual effect of either a morphing or an exorcism. Matt and I have seen it countless times. Our theory is that this seismic motion resets what ever is disrupting his physical well being. Its origin coincided with the onset of seizures. But maybe this particular day at Unos, Billy just did it. We don’t know why. We will never know.
One thing we do know is that no Matter the velocity, Billy’s infamous Ray-Bans had never sprung off his head until that Saturday afternoon. Yes, it happened. Those stylish sunglasses landed right smack in the middle of the mothers barely touched steaming pasta dish.
The mother could have remarked or responded in any of the following ways with just cause.
1. She could have said “I demand to see the manager- this is unacceptable.”
2. She could have exuded disgust at the act and Billy.
3. She could have rolled her eyes at her daughter and deemed Matt and Billy invisible.
But that didn’t happen. This woman was a true class act.
You know what that means? Here is what she said.
She smiled, and said “not a problem. I didn’t want to eat the whole entrĂ©e anyway”.
A class act doesn’t take themselves too seriously, sees the humor in life, and they roll with the punches.
We definitely all need more class acts in our lives.