Bernie died today – Thursday July 22, 2010
He was Billy and Ben’s dog for fourteen years.
But Bernie was also a friend, a companion, a social compatriot in our tightly knit family.

We received Bernie from the NEADS (New England Assistance Dog Services) program in Princeton, MA. This worthy non-profit organization’s mission is to train dogs found in shelters to guide, support, protect and comfort individuals with an array of developmental and physical challenges.
Bernie was what NEADS referred to as a “social dog” whose tail always wagged. Bernie was a mix with no particular pedigree, he nevertheless stood out with distinction. Passersby’s would pause and marvel at his muscular 95 pound regal bearing with a luminous auburn coat. As a young boy, Ben proudly took Bernie on walks and as a young man they would take runs through the neighborhood and wooded trails. After their runs together, Bernie would bound up the backyard and carry back to Ben, no not sticks, but major tree branches as a way to entice Ben to play , tussle, and just hang out together. In those daily hours when Ben and Billy’s needs diverged, Ben sought out Bernie and together they curled up for hours on the floor, nustling and content. Ben and Bernie’s energy was boundless and so was their love.

The first time I brought Bernie home, a little Billy spied us thorough the glass kitchen door, turned around, ran to his bedroom and jumped in his bed and pulled the sheets over his head. This was an ominous beginning but Bernie never shied away from Billy’s less than enthusiastic welcome. Respectfully, Bernie stayed by Billy’s side no matter what happened. Bernie waited, stayed close and never distanced himself from our family’s unfolding story. Bernie’s unabated attention was a primal wellspring of support. Billy’s gleeful Irish jigs, jumps and squeals of delight were greeted by Bernie with equal vigor and carefree abandon and when a 17 year old Billy became sick, Bernie never retreated. Billy’s anguished screams and body contortions as he tried so hard to control his pain-ridden body were witnessed by a quiet and solemn Bernie.

Through New England snows, ice, hail, drenching rain, slick mud and thick heat, Bernie always accompanied Billy to the barn every afternoon and every night. Whether Billy listened to music, jumped on the trampoline, sat on the rocking chair or laid down on the trampoline folded in blankets, Bernie sat in front of the barn and waited. After each barn session without fail, Bernie escorted Billy back to the house.
Billy was never alone.
My visualization of Billy and Bernie running up the hilly yard to the barn is and will remain a deep fountain of gratitude, reassurance, and renewal.
Billy is not alone.

photos: ©2010 Millicent Harvey Photography