Over the last four years, Billy has grappled physically and spiritually with complex medical issues. From the sideline, Billy’s story seems like a sad turn of events. But Billy and I don’t agree.
It is also a very good story and this is why. A rubber spatula, an XO Easy Grip turkey baster and a dish rag – all ordinary kitchen tools, but in Billy’s hands they are his ply and trade as he creates a lively palette of colors and networks of intricate textures. Passionate and with laser focus, Billy turns the ordinary into the extraordinary with an arsenal of tools ranging from artists brushes, ball tip whisks, paint rollers, rubber colanders , bamboo salad utensils and bubble wrap. Whether it’s Seal’s “Amazing”, Madonna’s “Vogue” or Vivaldi’s “Four seasons,” music is a constant and revered companion. Music sets the tone and tempo and painting is Billy’s expressive voice. When one walks into the garage studio, pulsations and beats reverberate as Billy throws, swirls, and presses the paint into an equally pulsating symphony.
The physical and emotional power of his painting is undeniably Billy’s signature trademark.
His personal story however, reveals why he is so committed to his life as an artist. Every day for the past four years, Billy has endured acute episodic pain. His medical realities coincide with his diagnosis of Autism. For some individuals on the autism spectrum the social world is complex as well as physically grueling. Suffering is a part of Billy’s life. But Billy does not see his pain as defining who he is or will become. Though his physical health is precarious and sometimes fragile, Billy desires to paint. As a 22 year old young man, Billy loves life and embraces it with bravado. Anyone who knows Billy and witnesses his passion for colors and his delight in music are moved by his choice to create beauty in the midst of intractable obstacles.
Billy relishes all of life’s sensations. It is his gift to humanity.